How to choose the right features for your event app

VenuIQ is your award-winning event technology partner. Known for our cutting-edge event management platform, we’re here to make your event planning smoother and your events more successful. We make event apps, provide event tech support, and have developed the world’s best attendee tracking solution – so good we’ve won multiple awards, including 2024 Event Tech of the Year.

VenuIQ’s event builder offers many features for creating your event app. However, selecting the right features for your event app is important. It’s not just about having the latest technology; it’s about choosing tools that enhance your specific event goals. Whether it’s seamless check-ins, interactive sessions, or powerful networking tools, the right features can transform your event.

A well-designed event app doesn’t just streamline logistics—it boosts attendee satisfaction and engagement. Happy attendees are more likely to participate, connect, and return for future events. In the following sections, we’ll look at how you can pick the perfect features to make your next event a standout success.

1. Understanding Your Goals

When planning an event, the foundation of your success lies in clearly defining your goals. Whether you’re organising a trade show, conference, seminar, or corporate gathering, understanding what you aim to achieve is crucial. Here’s why it matters and how to go about it effectively.

Identify Your Event Objectives

The first step is to pinpoint your event’s primary objectives. Are you looking to foster networking opportunities, enhance communication, boost speaker engagement, or increase brand visibility for sponsors? Each goal will shape the features you prioritise in your event app.

For instance, a trade show might focus on connecting buyers and sellers. Features like exhibitor profiles, lead scanning, and matchmaking can be pivotal here. On the other hand, a conference might aim to disseminate knowledge and encourage discussions. In this case, session scheduling, speaker profiles, and interactive Q&A tools become essential.

Examples of Goal-Oriented Feature Prioritisation

  1. Trade Shows:
    • Exhibitor Profiles: These allow attendees to learn about the exhibitors before the event, making it easier to plan whom to visit.
    • Lead Scanning: Helps exhibitors capture and track leads effortlessly, increasing their ROI.
    • Matchmaking Tools: Facilitates meaningful connections between attendees and exhibitors based on interests and needs.
  2. Conferences:
    • Session Scheduling: Provides attendees with an organised agenda, helping them make the most of their time.
    • Speaker Profiles: Allows attendees to know more about the speakers, their backgrounds, and expertise.
    • Interactive Q&A: Engages attendees during sessions and encourages participation, making the event more dynamic.
  3. Corporate Events:
    • Networking Opportunities: Integrating social events and matchmaking features to foster relationships among employees or clients.
    • Gamification: Utilising quizzes and interactive polls to increase engagement and make the event more enjoyable.

Set SMART Goals

When defining your event goals, use a framework like SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This approach provides clarity and direction, making choosing features that align with these goals easier. For example:

  • Specific: “Increase attendee engagement by 30% through interactive features.”
  • Measurable: Use in-app analytics to track engagement levels.
  • Achievable: Ensure the goals are realistic, given your resources.
  • Relevant: Goals should align with the broader objectives of your event.
  • Time-bound: Set a timeframe for achieving these goals, such as by the end of the event.

Aligning Features with Goals

Once your goals are clearly defined, align your event app’s features to support these objectives. This alignment ensures that every aspect of your event is geared towards achieving your desired outcomes. For example:

  • For Networking: Features like matchmaking, attendee directories, and social events can be prioritised.
  • For Information Dissemination: Session schedules, speaker bios, and push notifications become essential.
  • For Engagement: Interactive elements like live polls, quizzes, and gamification can be integrated.

By understanding your goals and selecting features that directly support them, you can create a tailored event experience that meets the needs of your attendees, sponsors, exhibitors, and speakers. This strategic approach not only enhances satisfaction but also maximises the overall success of your event.

Find out more about the features available in VenuIQ event apps with the event brief builder challenge.

2. Features for Attendees

The features you include in your event app can significantly impact attendee satisfaction when creating a memorable event experience. Here’s how to select the right features to cater to attendees’ needs and enhance their overall experience.

Registration and Check-in

Your attendees’ first impression of your event starts at registration and check-in. A seamless, efficient process can set a positive tone for the entire event. Look for features that allow:

  • Easy Online Registration: Simplify the sign-up process with user-friendly forms and secure payment gateways.
  • Quick Check-in: Utilise QR codes or NFC technology to reduce wait times and avoid long queues at the venue.

Streamlining these initial steps ensures attendees start their event experience on a high note, reducing frustration and enhancing satisfaction from the get-go.

Session Schedules and Speaker Profiles

Once registered, attendees need a clear, easily accessible schedule. Features to consider include:

  • Dynamic Session Schedules: Allow attendees to view, filter, and personalise their schedules. Real-time updates ensure they never miss a change.
  • Detailed Speaker Profiles: Provide comprehensive speaker information, including bios, session topics, and related materials. This helps attendees choose sessions that align with their interests and enhance engagement.

These features help attendees plan their day effectively, ensuring they get the most out of your event.

Networking Opportunities

One of the main reasons people attend events is to network. Your event app should facilitate these connections through:

  • Matchmaking: Use algorithms to suggest connections based on shared interests, job roles, or goals.
  • Social Events: Promote networking opportunities through social gatherings, mixers, or special interest meet-ups.
  • Attendee Directories: Allow attendees to browse and connect with other participants, fostering meaningful interactions.

By making it easier for attendees to connect, you increase the value of your event and encourage long-lasting professional relationships.

Interactive Elements

Engagement is key to a successful event. Interactive features can keep attendees involved and invested:

  • Polls and Quizzes: Engage attendees during sessions with live polls and quizzes, encouraging participation and feedback.
  • Gamification: Introduce game-like elements such as leaderboards, challenges, and rewards to motivate involvement and create a fun, competitive atmosphere.

Interactive elements keep attendees engaged and provide valuable insights into their preferences and interests.

Information Sharing

Keeping attendees informed is essential for smooth event operations. Ensure your app includes:

  • Event Updates: Push notifications for real-time updates, reminders, and important announcements.
  • Resource Sharing: Easy access to session materials, presentations, and other relevant documents.

Effective information sharing helps attendees stay informed and prepared, creating a more organised and enjoyable experience.

Improving Attendee Satisfaction

By integrating these features, you can significantly enhance attendee satisfaction. Consider the following benefits:

  • Seamless Check-in Process: Reduces stress and wait times, starting the event on a positive note.
  • Personalised Schedules: Helps attendees manage their time and attend sessions that interest them the most.
  • Networking Tools: Facilitate meaningful connections that add value to the event experience.
  • Interactive Engagement: Keeps attendees active and involved, making the event more dynamic.
  • Timely Information: Ensures attendees are always in the loop, reducing confusion and enhancing the overall experience.

Selecting the right features for your event app can transform a good event into a great one. By focusing on your attendees’ needs and preferences, you create an environment that is not only efficient and engaging but also memorable.

3. Features for Sponsors and Exhibitors

Sponsors and exhibitors play a crucial role in the success of your event. Ensuring their needs are met through the right features in your event app can lead to increased engagement, satisfaction, and a higher return on investment. Here’s how to select features that cater to sponsors and exhibitors effectively.

Lead Scanning and Tracking

One of the primary goals for exhibitors and sponsors is to generate leads. Implementing robust lead scanning and tracking features can make this process seamless:

  • Lead Scanning Tools: These tools allow exhibitors to quickly capture attendee information via QR codes or NFC technology, ensuring they don’t miss any potential leads. VenuIQ also emails post-day lead summaries to each exhibitor.
  • Tracking and Management: Provide tools to manage and track these leads, including notes and follow-up reminders, making post-event outreach more efficient and effective.

These features help sponsors and exhibitors gather valuable contact information effortlessly, increasing their chances of converting leads into customers.

Customizable Exhibitor Profiles

A static, one-size-fits-all exhibitor profile doesn’t cut it. Customizable profiles can significantly enhance visibility and engagement:

  • Rich Media Integration: Exhibitors can showcase their products and services through videos, images, brochures, and other media.
  • Detailed Descriptions: Enable detailed company descriptions, key offerings, and unique selling points, making it easier for attendees to understand what they offer.
  • Contact Information: Ensure easy access to contact details, facilitating direct communication between attendees and exhibitors.

Customizable profiles help exhibitors stand out and attract more interest from attendees, increasing foot traffic to their booths.

Targeted Advertising and Sponsored Content Opportunities

Visibility is key for sponsors. Offering targeted advertising and sponsored content opportunities can greatly enhance their event experience:

  • In-App Advertising: Provide options for banner ads, pop-ups, and sponsored push notifications tailored to attendee interests.
  • Sponsored Sessions and Content: Sponsors can host sessions and webinars, or provide content that highlights their expertise, positioning them as thought leaders in their field.
  • Targeted Campaigns: Use attendee data to target specific groups with relevant sponsor messages, increasing the effectiveness of their advertising efforts.

These features ensure that sponsors get the visibility they need, helping them more effectively achieve their branding and marketing goals.

Real-Time Analytics and Reporting

Understanding the impact of their participation is crucial for sponsors and exhibitors. Real-time analytics and reporting features can provide invaluable insights:

  • Engagement Metrics: Track interactions such as booth visits, content downloads, and session attendance to gauge interest and engagement.
  • Lead Analytics: Monitor the number and quality of leads generated, providing a clear picture of ROI.
  • Custom Reports: Offer customizable reports that sponsors and exhibitors can use to analyse their performance and plan future strategies.

Real-time analytics and reporting help sponsors and exhibitors understand their event performance, enabling them to make data-driven decisions and improvements.

Enhancing Engagement and Satisfaction

Incorporating these features can significantly boost engagement and satisfaction for sponsors and exhibitors. Consider the following benefits:

  • Valuable Leads: Lead scanning and tracking tools streamline the process of capturing and managing attendee information, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
  • Increased Visibility: Customizable profiles and targeted advertising ensure that sponsors and exhibitors can effectively showcase their offerings and reach their target audience.
  • Actionable Insights: Real-time analytics provide a clear understanding of engagement and ROI, helping sponsors and exhibitors refine their strategies and improve outcomes.

Ultimately, selecting the right features for your event app enhances the experience for sponsors and exhibitors and adds value to your event. Focusing on their needs creates a more attractive and rewarding environment, encouraging their continued participation and support.

Find out more about the features available in VenuIQ event apps.

4. Features for Speakers

Speakers are central to the success of many events, bringing expertise, insights, and engaging content that draws attendees. To ensure they have a positive experience, selecting features in your event app that cater specifically to their needs is crucial. Here’s how to enhance the speaker experience through thoughtful feature selection.

Session Scheduling and Management

Speakers need clear and efficient ways to manage their sessions. Key features include:

  • Flexible Scheduling Tools: Speakers can view and manage their session times, making it easy to accommodate changes or adjustments.
  • Calendar Integration: Enable speakers to sync their sessions with personal calendars to track their commitments effortlessly.
  • Automated Reminders: Provide automated notifications and reminders about upcoming sessions, ensuring speakers are always prepared.

These tools help speakers stay organised and reduce the risk of scheduling conflicts, contributing to a smooth and efficient speaking experience.

Speaker Profiles and Bio Management

Detailed and easily accessible speaker profiles can enhance their visibility and help attendees connect with them:

  • Comprehensive Bios: Allow speakers to create and update detailed profiles, including their bio, credentials, and areas of expertise.
  • Session Information: Link speakers’ profiles to their sessions, giving attendees context about what to expect.
  • Media Uploads: Enable speakers to add videos, articles, or other resources highlighting their work and expertise.

By providing robust profile management tools, you help speakers present themselves professionally and attract more interest from attendees.

Q&A and Feedback Mechanisms

Interactive sessions can greatly enhance the value of an event. Incorporate features that facilitate engagement and feedback:

  • Live Q&A Tools: During sessions, attendees can submit questions anonymously or with their names. Speakers can address these questions in real-time, fostering a dynamic and interactive environment.
  • Feedback Forms: Provide tools for collecting feedback after sessions, helping speakers understand what resonated with the audience and where there’s room for improvement.
  • Polling: Enable speakers to conduct live polls during their presentations, gathering instant feedback and making sessions more interactive.

These features enhance audience engagement and give speakers valuable insights into their performance and audience interests.

Real-Time Analytics and Reporting

Understanding how their sessions are received can be invaluable for speakers. Real-time analytics and reporting features offer this insight:

  • Attendance Metrics: Track the number of attendees for each session, giving speakers a clear idea of their reach.
  • Engagement Data: Monitor how attendees interact during sessions, including participation in Q&As, polls, and other interactive elements.
  • Session Feedback: Collect and analyse post-session feedback to gauge attendee satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.

Giving speakers detailed analytics helps refine their presentations and improve engagement with their audience in future sessions.

Improving Speaker Satisfaction

Integrating these features into your event app can significantly enhance speaker satisfaction. Consider the following benefits:

  • Efficient Management: Session scheduling and management tools streamline the logistical aspects of speaking, allowing speakers to focus on their content.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Comprehensive profiles and bio management tools help speakers showcase their expertise and attract more session attendees.
  • Interactive Engagement: Q&A and feedback mechanisms foster a more interactive and engaging environment, enhancing the overall session experience.
  • Valuable Insights: Real-time analytics provide speakers with the data they need to understand their impact and continuously improve their presentations.

Ultimately, selecting the right features for your event app improves the experience for speakers and contributes to your event’s overall success. By focusing on the needs of your speakers, you create a more professional, engaging, and rewarding environment for all participants.

5. Features for Venues

Choosing the right features for your event app is essential not just for attendees, sponsors, and speakers but also for the venues. A well-equipped venue can significantly enhance the overall event experience. Here’s how to select features that cater to venue needs and improve event organisation and execution.

Event Planning and Coordination Tools

Efficient event planning and coordination are key to a successful event. Features that can help include:

  • Centralised Planning Tools: Provide a central platform where organisers can coordinate all aspects of the event, from scheduling to logistics.
  • Task Management: Allow organisers to assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress to ensure everything is on track.
  • Communication Channels: Enable real-time communication between organisers, staff, and vendors to address any issues quickly.

These tools help streamline the planning process, making managing the myriad details of running a successful event easier.

Real-Time Venue Maps and Navigation

Helping attendees navigate the venue efficiently can greatly enhance their experience. Key features include:

  • Interactive Venue Maps: Provide detailed maps that attendees can access via the app, showing session locations, exhibitor booths, restrooms, and other key areas.
  • Navigation Assistance: Include features like turn-by-turn directions or indoor GPS to help attendees navigate the venue easily.
  • Customisation Options: Allow organisers to update maps in real-time to reflect any changes in room assignments or layouts.

These features ensure attendees can navigate the venue without frustration, improving their overall experience and satisfaction.

Integration with Existing Venue Systems

Seamless integration with the venue’s existing systems is crucial for smooth operations. Important integration features include:

  • Wi-Fi Connectivity: Ensure the app can easily connect to the venue’s Wi-Fi network to provide attendees with a reliable internet connection.
  • Audiovisual Equipment: Integrate with the venue’s AV systems to streamline presentations and sessions, making managing content and technical requirements easier.
  • Facility Management Systems: Sync with the venue’s facility management tools to coordinate room setups, maintenance requests, and other logistical details.

Integrating with the venue’s systems creates a cohesive environment that supports smooth event execution and enhances the experience for everyone involved.

Improving Event Organisation and Execution

By incorporating these features, you can significantly improve the organisation and execution of your event. Consider the following benefits:

  • Seamless Check-In Process: Coordination tools and integration with the venue’s systems can streamline the check-in process, reducing wait times and enhancing attendee satisfaction.
  • Efficient Navigation: Real-time venue maps and navigation features help attendees move around the venue effortlessly, reducing confusion and ensuring they arrive on time for their sessions.
  • Enhanced Communication: Real-time communication tools facilitate better coordination between organisers, venue staff, and vendors, allowing for quick resolution of any issues.

Selecting the right features for your event app can transform how you manage and execute your event. By focusing on the venue’s needs, you create an environment that supports efficient operations, enhances the attendee experience, and ensures the success of your event.


Selecting the right features for your event app is not just a matter of convenience but a strategic decision that can significantly impact the success of your event. By understanding your goals and carefully choosing features that cater to the needs of attendees, sponsors, exhibitors, speakers, and venues, you can create a seamless and engaging event experience.

The right features make all the difference, whether it’s enhancing attendee satisfaction through smooth check-in processes and interactive elements, providing sponsors and exhibitors with valuable lead generation and visibility tools, or ensuring speakers and venues have the support they need for effective presentations and logistics.

At VenuIQ, we understand the complexities of event planning and are dedicated to providing a comprehensive event management platform that meets all these needs. Our award-winning technology is designed to help you unlock your events’ full potential, ensuring everyone involved’s success and satisfaction.

Ready to see how VenuIQ can transform your next event? Book a demonstration today and discover how our features can help you achieve your event objectives with ease and efficiency.

Successful events use VenuIQ

Call +44 121 796 5800 to talk through the options for your next event

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